Tips For Public Pool & Spa Owners:
As a hotel or spa manager, there are many things you can do to keep your area safe. In Hennepin County, the Hennepin County Human Services & Public Health Department has created a checklist for outdoor pool opening. You can view it at the Hennepin County website. Here are a few tips to get you started:
Install anti-entrapment drain covers.
- Get a safety vacuum release system (SVRS) installed on your pump. This is an emergency sensor that automatically shuts off suction if a drain is blocked.
- If the pool/hot tub is new, be sure to have at least two drains installed, in parallel or use a no-drain circulation system. If your pool is older, consider retrofitting your pool with multiple drains. (Requirements can vary from state to state so be sure to check your local regulations to be sure.)
- Damaged or broken drain covers are dangerous—replace them immediately and do not use the pool. It’s a simple fix, yet one of the most important factors for pool and hot tub safety.
- The water in the pool/spa should always be clear and you should be able to see the bottom. If not, the chemical application should be adjusted.
- According to government safety guidelines children should not be in a hot tubs for longer than five minutes at a time. Infants and Toddlers should not be exposed to the dangerously hot temperatures at all.